Does your front porch lack a certain luster? Is the beam in your dance floor sagging with the weight of inadequacy? Or perhaps you just need something special for the new home that you are designing. Whatever the problem, Blue Ox is here to help. Blue Ox columns are hand turned using the age old method of story-sticking to insure that each column is a masterpiece in its own right, and all our columns are custom so you can get the absolute perfect column for your renovation, restoration or new construction project. Check out our idea gallery for a few sample patterns or send us an email for more information..
(Near Right): Turnings from the lathe room wall. Drawing by Dan Brett, from his book Tales From the Blue Ox. (Far Right): Blue Ox turned columns adorn the Hopland Inn in Hopland California.
Though redwood is certainly the preferred medium because of its resistance to water and rot, custom gutters can also be made from other water resistant woods. Cedar and pine have both been used across the nation as redwood substitutes and other locally native trees may be available as well. If you would prefer an alternative wood, talk to owners of authentic Victorian homes to find out what kinds of woods were used in your area.
(At left) Just a small sample of the hundreds of gutters that we have run in our molder shop over the years. Blue Ox has the worlds largest collection of molder knives, so the shape of your gutters is limited only by your imagination. Click here to see an enlarged version.
Blue Ox can also provide you with directions for installation & care of your redwood gutters. It is very important that the instructions be carried out properly. It is recommended to allow the wood gutters to sit for two to four weeks prior to installation, as the lumber is green when milled. This allows it to stabilize to it's new environment.
Click here for information about installation and care of redwood gutters.
Whatever your wood gutter needs, Blue Ox Millworks is here to help. For more information or to get a quote, call Eric at (707)444-3437 or send us an email at
(At right) Three photos of authentic custom wood gutters that Blue Ox built for the King's Chapel in Boston. This historic landmark was built in the 1680s and today is a Christian Unitarian church. For more information about King's Chapel, visit their website at
While the information on this website is believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors, webmaster, nor Blue Ox Millworks can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Prices listed on website are subject to change. © . Blue Ox Millworks. All Rights Reserved. Web Design by DHD